Welcome to the website of the VAMV Münster e.V.
The VAMV is a self-help organization for single, separated, divorced and widowed mothers and fathers with their children. The association sees itself as a political advocacy for single-parent families and is organized at local, state and federal level. The concept of the VAMV is to combine self-help with professional advice, i.e. both volunteers and full-time employees work in the association. Various advisory and leisure activities are offered in the local associations.
The Münster local branch offers:
- personal consultations
- Support in the event of separation, divorce and the death of a partner
- DiNo: childcare in emergency situations
- information events
- Seminars, seasonal festivities and leisure activities
- International breakfast with child care on the 4th Sunday of the month
- every 3 months the VAMV info booklet with current information (
- Support for single mother students by working with “Madame Courage
The DiNo project, (Dienst im Notfall = service in an emergency), arranges experienced caregivers who go to the families in the event of illness and look after the children there. The employees provide information about possible subsidies for financing.
An important part of VAMV work is public relations. Our employees take part in events and various working groups. The association newspaper, which is published every three months, (ändern / streichen?) is available free of charge in the citizens’ advice service, in the city library, in the family office, at the day care center of the „Amtes für Kinder, Jugendliche und Familien“ (Office for Children, Young People and Families) and at many advice centers.
Free legal hotline for family law for single parents – an offer from the „Stiftung Alltagsheldinnen“ (Everyday Heroes Foundation)
The nationwide „Rechtshotline Familienrecht“ (legal hotline for family law) wants to give single parents good advice and enable them to find suitable solutions. In a free 30-minute consultation, lawyers will answer your questions about alimony, custody and rights of access or the right of descent. For more information and to book an appointment, please visit: hotline-familienrecht.de